Visiting Ireland

Over the years, I’ve had a ton of folks ask me for tips on visiting Ireland. I lived in Ireland for close to three years and, honestly, still consider it my second home. I’ve spent a ton of time writing people emails and guides and decided that I really need to just publish this on my blog so that I can refer people to it.

Map of Ireland with Points of Interest
Map of Ireland with Points of Interest
I’ve written about quite a few places below but the map linked above has pinpoints to a ton of great places. Enjoy!


Obviously most people start in Dublin as that’s the largest city and there’s a big international airport. Dublin is awesome and has a ton to do.

  • Downtown
    • Grafton Street – amazing walking street with a ton of shops and street performers – especially on the weekends.
    • Book of Kells – Awesome book hand-painted by monks that dates back to 384AD. Contains the 4 gospels from the Bible.
    • National Leprechaun Museum – Ireland has a huge legacy in folklore and this museum tells the stories. It’s amazing…
    • Tidal Flats – One of the things I love in Dublin is walking on or even just looking at the tidal flats. It’s beautiful and goes on and on.
    • Dun Laoghaire Pier – Great place to stop and get an ice cream, walk along the pier or watch the sailboats coming and going.
    • Dalkey Castle – Living museum where the tour guides are dressed in period clothing and give the tour in character. Fantastic peak into the old world…
    • Killiney Beach – Quiet little beach to walk on and collect shells, sea glass, play with dogs…
    • Howth Pier – Lovely pier with sea lions and lots of fresh fish restaurants.
    • O’Connell’s Bar – This is not on the drinking list because you should stop in here and have one of the best fish and chips you’ve ever had…
    • O’Neill’s Pub – Again, not on the drinking list as it’s a great “Carvery”. Go here for lunch and it’ll be worth it…
    • Hairy Lemon – Get the bread pudding.
  • Downtown Drinking… There’s a ton of great pubs but some of my favorites…

Northern Ireland

There’s a ton to see up north and I’ll be adding more as time goes on but here’s some highlights. And yes, I’m conflating some Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland places.

  • Giant’s Causeway – Fantastic views and stories here as there are huge pylons with a very cool octogonal shape. There’s a great legend involving giants and deception and more!
  • Europa Hotel Belfast – The most bombed hotel in all of Europe. It’s actually a beautiful hotel with a great pub.

Western Ireland

  • Cliffs of Moher – Many of the locals will tell you, “Oh yeah, you should go to the cliffs”. What they don’t tell you is that these cliffs are the “Grand Canyon of Ireland”…
  • The Burren – amazing natural place that’s about 30 square miles of limestone and amazement.


  • Quay Street – Pronounced “key” – great walking street with a ton of little pubs, shops, live music and so on…
  • Claddagh Jeweler – The Claddagh ring is a mainstay in Irish traditions and the original was made in Galway at this shop. Very cool little shop.
  • The Pie Maker – Some of the best meat pies that I’ve ever had in my life…


  • The English Market – stunning indoor food court and market.
  • Blarney Castle – Definitely worth visiting. I was terrified that this was going to be way too touristy but it wasn’t. It was awesome. Pro-tip though, the tour busses show up about 9:15 or so. They open earlier than that so get in early. There’s an awesome B&B across the street called The White House.

Other places in Ireland that you should definitely go

I’ll be adding to the list here and categorize these better sometime soon. The ones that ended up in this list are awesome and I love them, they just don’t categorize with the other items geographically.

  • Newgrange – This is where the celtic swirls are first spotted in this manmade structure that pre-dates the pyramids at over 5200 years old.
  • Sean’s Bar – This pub dates back to 900AD in the same location…
  • Kilbeggan Distillery – One of the oldest working distilleries in Ireland. They make some awesome whiskey here including one of my favorites – Connemara Peated Whiskey, the only peated Irish whiskey on the market.
  • Kilkenny Castle – beautiful castle and grounds in a beautiful little village. Oh, and have the Kilkenny Cream Ale in any of the pubs.
  • Knock, Ireland – in 1879, there was an apparition of the Holy Family and the heavens plus a few saints thrown in. They’ve built an amazing set of grounds for the 1.5 million pilgrims that come each year.
  • Derrynane Beach – When God made the world, this is where he put his thumbprint. It’s remote, quiet and absolutely beautiful. And the surfing is great!
  • Fethard On Sea, Wexford – Specifically, you should look at the Hook Lighhouse which is the oldest working lighthouse in the world. It’s sooooo cool.

Wrap up

This is far from complete and I’ll definitely be adding to it but this is a starting list with some descriptions.

Back in the Web Dev World

So I’ve switched roles at Microsoft. For the last 11.5 years at Microsoft (which is 9.5 years longer than I thought I’d be here), I’ve been in some form of developer relations. However, I’ve never shipped a product at Microsoft.

In my new role, I’m joining the Web Platform Team to run the Web Applications and Frameworks team – my new title is the Principle PM for WAF. I’m managing two products related to people writing apps with web technologies. The first is WWAHost which is how we write Progressive Web Apps which are native apps written with web standards and technologies.
Check out Get started with Progressive Web Apps for more details.

The second is Webview which is how you incorporate web tech into a standard native app written in .NET, C++ and so on.
Check out Microsoft Edge WebView for Windows 10 apps for more details.

I also work with JavaScript frameworks internal and external to Microsoft. To this end, I’ve got a great dev on my team named John-David Dalton. He’s had a continuous streak of activity on Github since July 23, 2013. This has included building lodash, contributions to Babble and even as far as adding ESM support to Node.JS and NPM.

I’m looking forward to shipping a product that touches millions of people. 🙂

Doing the wrong thing…

There are times that your customer will ask you to do something so you do it. But did you stop to ask them about why they need that done? The story here is an old one that you might have heard but recently someone gave me an addition to the story and it blew my mind.

If someone comes to you in the hardware store and asks for a quarter inch drill bit, what do they actually want? Quarter inch holes. A drill bit is just a tool and if there’s a better way to give them the quarter inch hole, give it to them.
The addition was, now ask why they want quarter inch holes… Turns out they are hanging a ceiling fan. Ask them why they are hanging a ceiling fan. Turns out they are trying to sell their house and they were told that a ceiling fan in the bedroom would help. Ask if you could come take a look… Turns out that the paint outside is faded and cracked so the reality is that when they asked for a quarter inch drill bit, really they needed 5 gallons of paint and a ladder and in all honesty, they should slap you for selling them the drill bit.

I’ve been reflecting on this a while and I’ve come to the following…

I’ve long had a philosophy that I’d like to

“Do something, anything, even the wrong thing, learn from it and iterate.”

This has been my guiding light and has helped me keep from getting stuck in analysis paralysis and drives the analytical people around me absolutely nuts (Looking at you Gary Sweeting…) 🙂
That said, I was talking to my new friend that I met at Collision Conf this week, Bas Wouterse (CTO at, and I realized that I’m slightly off there. It was an aha moment for me as I realized that I’ve been voicing my actual process wrong for years.

Here’s my new motto

“I’d rather do the wrong thing than solve the wrong problem”

The original motto still applies once I figure out what the problem is that I’m solving but it’s not enough to just start doing stuff. I was out with a young developer who asked what’s the difference between an architect and a developer. My answer was “An architect is an experienced developer who cares about the requirements phase of the project.” And that’s the case. I care about the requirements. I’ll investigate until I get a grasp of the problem. Then I’ll start doing stuff in that direction. I’m normally wrong in my approach the first several times. However, as I get more experience, I have gotten better about being less wrong about my direction even in those early phases. The trick is to quickly realize that I’ve made a mistake and fix it. I don’t try to make mistakes, however I’m not scared to make them.

The biggest mistake though, as I’m learning from my previous mistakes, is to solve the wrong problem. It doesn’t matter how correct your solution is if it’s the wrong problem. This goes from macro to micro.

At the macro level, I’ve met a ton of startups who are solving the wrong problem. Normally this means that they are solving a problem that their users have but not solving a problem that their potential customers have. Noodle on that a bit… 🙂

On a micro level, customers always tell me that X is not responsive enough or something very generic and sweeping like that. Rather than digging into the speed testing and all that, I ask them what they mean and start unpacking “responsive” means to them specifically. Often it turns out that you and your customer have very different definitions of responsive. Once you figure out what responsive means, anything that you do to solve the responsiveness issue has a much higher probability of being a step in the right direction.

Summing up, spend the time to ask that next question that will get you closer to solving the right problem.

Open Sourcing Mental Illness

Open Sourcing Mental IllnessAt PHP Tek 2014, I saw a set of talks organized by a guy named Ed Finkler. This included a talk by Greg Baugues and Paddy Foran. They really opened up and talked about their own mental health issues including anxiety, depression and more. There was not a dry eye in the house. I’m not going to tell their story. That’s their to share. What I am going to share is how it affected me and my story.

Reason I’m blogging about this now is that I recently had a chance to interview Ed and post that to Code to Live.

I’ve always joked about having ADHD but it was always just a joke. My wife, Phoebe, was talking to someone (I don’t remember who) and they recommended that I read a book called Delivered from Distraction.  The first thing that I did when the book came in was the self diagnosis and wow did I score highly on that. The one set of questions that I missed on were the ones about relationships. I got lucky and married a very supportive wife. One of the big things that I learned was that one of the dark sides of ADHD is that people with it suffer from low self-esteem and depression. While I’ve suffered from this myself, I had never attributed it to ADHD and while I joked about it, I hadn’t thought that I actually had it or had any idea how to deal with it until I read the book. And very importantly, I was making the biggest mistake that most people make here – I was trying to deal with it on my own rather than seeking help.

Shortly after this I went to a therapist who specializes in ADHD. He worked with a phycologist and between the two, I was officially diagnosed with ADHD in 2008. I was prescribed with Adderall. The good news is that I knew what that was because I had read about it and the upsides and the side affects. There are two basic types of ADHD meds, anti-depressants and stimulants. They work very differently and sometimes one works better for one person than the other. If you suffer from ADHD, you should work with your mental health professional(s) to figure out what’s going to work for you.

This happened in 2008 but the reality is that I didn’t talk to people other than good friends until 2014 because I was ashamed about it. Ed, Greg and Paddy showed me that we need to talk about mental illness and take away the stigmas. That’s the only way that we can actually create a supportive and healthy environment. The worst thing that we can do is try to suffer in silence and not seek help.

If you want to learn more, if you’re suffering or are not sure if you’re suffering a mental health issue, there are resources up on Ed’s site at

What is ¡Pura Vida!

I recently got back from an amazing trip to Costa Rica. It was absolutely amazing and has changed me (I hope) forever and for the better. Unfortunately it wasn’t 31 days, but rather it was only 8 days. However I’m taking on a writing challenge of writing something every single day for 31 days straight. I decided to write about the change in my life…

¡Pura Vida! is the Costa Rican way of life. Translated it’s “pure life” which sounds pretty simple but in practice it goes much deeper. Most of the time folks look at it as just like a “hang loose” or something like that. But it goes a lot deeper than that.

It started in a 1956 film from Mexico called Pura Vida in which the main character said the catch phrase all the time as an expression of unbridled enthusiasm. The movie was a hit and the phrase started spreading. It was slow but by the 1970s, it was all over Costa Rica. It was even officially recognized in dictionaries in the 90s.

The phrase really means that life is wonderful, that there is always someone who is less fortunate that you and we are all in this together. This pervasive outlook on life is outstanding and something that more of us need to adopt.

As I looked around Costa Rica, I saw some real poverty but everywhere I looked I saw amazing generosity, joy and community. Jeremy Sublet and I were driving through a small town and stopped for lunch. The town obviously didn’t have any money and everywhere I looked I saw joy and love whether it was couples walking in the park or having lunch together or kids playing in the streets. At the end lunch, we were headed back to the car when one of the guys at the bar held up his beer to us and I heard that phrase for the first time – “¡Pura Vida!”.

At the time I didn’t understand what it meant. But I laughed and said “¡Pura Vida!”.

Now that I understand more about it, I look at my life and think about all of the times when I’m wallowing in self pity. Yes, I have hardships in my life. But there are so many people who have so many more real troubles in their life.

Over the next 31 days, I’ll be writing about ¡Pura Vida! and how I’m going to be trying to incorporate it into my life.

Deciding to go to Costa Rica

Justin Bronder in a boat at Rio Clara

Justin Bronder in a boat at Rio Clara

The first time that I met Justin Bronder, he was just back from a trip that he acted like was the trip of a lifetime. He showed me amazing pictures of obscure birds and crazy little monkeys. Actually, the first picture that I saw was of a monkey’s behind as it mooned the camera. I thought he was nuts, that he was was awesome and that we’d be friends all at the same time. Turns out I was right on all accounts.

Fast forward a year and I know for a fact that Justin has got one of the biggest hearts that I know. And amazingly, he headed back to Costa Rica and invited me to come with him. Something in Costa Rica had touched him and he wanted to share that with more people.

The restaurant at Copa de Arbol at night.

The restaurant at Copa de Arbol at night.

While I was excited to go, I really didn’t know what to expect. Justin had talked about the both the jungle and 5 star resort and pointed me at the hotel web site – When I looked at the web site, I saw that it was both – a 5 star resort in the middle of the jungle. There were some other things that were fun. The resort is right on the edge of the Corcovada National Part which is a green zone. There’s no roads to the property so everything is water taxi or hiking. That made me even more excited.

I talked to my wife and got permission to go.

Honestly though, I didn’t spend enough time researching Costa Rica. That was a failing on my part.But I didn’t look at the amazing country that I was about to go to other than seeing it’s in Central America. I spent a little time reviewing my pathetic Spanish. “Gracias”, “Hola”, “Adios”, “Caliente”, “Frío”,  “Uno, “Dos”, “Tres”…  I spent some time looking at my camera gear, picking up waterproof backpacks (I picked up an awesome one – Phantom Aquatics Walrus 25 Premium Waterproof Backpack Dry Bag) and the like.

It was all completely selfish but the good news is that despite this failing, I was ready to start packing for the trip.

Going to production with chipsets.

IoT is hotter than ever and there are a ton of folks getting jazzed about the Raspberry PI 2, the Arduino, Intel Edison and other awesome and cheap devices that are incredibly powerful. The issue is that these are maker boards designed for hobbyists, not production boards that you could actually leverage in a real production product. This is deliberate on their part as they are going after a specific audience and they do an outstanding job of it. There are a ton of folks prototyping on these boards, as they should, and getting their proof of concept running. But then, there needs to be a path to production. The great news here is that there are a lot of great paths depending on what you’re trying to accomplish and what features you need in your board.

It’s a good idea to start with your path to production in mind when you pick your maker board. Reason being, if you have a similar chipset and capabilities to what you’re going to go to production with, it’ll minimize churn when you get to that point. If you’re going to be going to production with a minimal real time operating system, it’s probably a bad idea to start with an x86 board with gigs of ram and processing power.

Embedded OS Options

Since it affects your chipset choice, the first thing is to talk about the different embedded OS options and their capabilities. The options range from real time operating systems (RTOS) to embedded Linux to many different flavors of Windows.

The first question is what are you trying to accomplish? What’s your device going to be doing?

Power systems make a huge part of this choice for you. Is it going to be battery operated? Rechargeable? Constant wall power?

Is it going to be doing communications? With what? Over what type of radio?

How are you doing security?

Are you doing processing on the device? Or is it simply a remote sensor or actuator of some sort?

How complicated is the processing that it needs to do?

Obviously cost is also a factor. What’s your target “BOM” or Bill of Materials?

How large is the space you’re going to put it in? Does your device have ventilation? Some processors require more robust cooling systems or have more sensitive temperature ranges. It matters if you’re putting a device in the arctic circle or in the middle of death valley.

What’s your development language? Realize that I put this fairly far down the list of considerations because it’s possible you are going to have a language forced on you. But if you can choose, would you prefer C, C++, Python, JavaScript, .NET or what.

That’s a lot of questions but it really drives down to four basic options that are chosen most of the time, Windows, Linux, an RTOS (real time operating system) or a microcontroller where you are writing firmware.

Windows 10 IoT Core is the current build of Windows for smaller devices. Your options for development are the languages that run on Windows 10. That’s quite a few including C, C++, .NET or any other type of runtime that runs on Windows so you can get Python, Javascript/node.js and the like to run on it. This makes it an extremely versatile option. It’s also a very robust option when you’re talking about security, communications and the like. If you want to get started on this option, check out The downside on Windows 10 IoT Core is that it’s limited to the x86/x64, Atom and ARM chips.

Linux is another great choice. On many devices you can run something as big as Ubuntu however there are a number of variants of Linux that are specifically built for embedded devices. The one that I’m most familiar with is OpenWRT. It was originally built for firmware on routers but it’s a tough little operating system that works well on a lot of little devices. It’s more limited on languages in that it doesn’t run .NET but you can run C, C++, Python, node.js, Java and the like. It’s also able to do communications and security just fine. And it runs on a very wide set of processors.

The downsides of both of these options is that while they have more capabilities, they have latency compared to an RTOS. If you really need real time, you’ll need to look at something a little deeper but to be honest, it’s been years since I’ve done anything with real time. I’m usually close enough that the user doesn’t notice vs the exact number of milliseconds matter.

The other option is some type of firmware where you’re skipping the operating system completely and programming the device to do exactly one thing and do that thing well (theoretically). In these cases, typically security and long range communications are offloaded to a gateway device that is running one of the above options.

Chipset Options

The second thing to do is talk about the types of chipsets and their capabilities. I’m not going to go through every possible chipset in the world but there’s a few that are specifically focused on the IoT.

Of course you can run an x84/x64 if you are going to be on constant power or at least near power. The Intel Galileo is maker board based on this chipset. It runs Linux and Windows Embedded (that’s prior to Windows 10 IoT Core)

Intel’s Atom processor is the next on the list. This is a great little chipset built for lower power consumption and longer battery life than the x86/x64 chipsets. These can still run many flavors of Windows as well as Linux. A great prototyping/maker board for this is the Raspberry PI 2. It’s running a 900 MHz quad core Atom processor.

The Intel Edison runs a Quark processor, comes with BLE and WiFi on board and the whole system can fit inside an SD card if you need the space. It runs Linux. I’m not wild about Intel’s toolchain for development but it’s a good chip.

Atheros is another great chose if you are looking at Linux as your host. A great board for this is the Arduino Yun. It has both an Amtel chip for more real time/micro controller options as well as the Atheros chip for running linux. Their default distros are running OpenWRT.

The Amtel chipset is the first microcontroller that we’re going to talk about. These are even lower power consumption than the Atom but they also have less capabilities. The huge advantage that these bring to the table is that there is very little that can go wrong with them. Since you are basically writing firmware, you can just plug them in and let them run. The Arduino is an example of a maker board that you can use with the Amtel chipset.

There are lots of other chipsets that are pretty awesome but I’m going to skip those for now

Manufacturer Options

There are a ton of manufacturers that are out there. Before you pick your manufacturer, you should pick your chipset and then start shipping around.

Dog Hunter is the manufacturer behind the linux system on a chip that’s on the Arduino Yun. They’ve got a great little chip called the Chiwawa. In quantities of 5000 or more, you can get these down to sub $10.

Intel is obviously the manufacturer of the Edison. They are a known quantity and know how to produce in quantity. They also make a Quark SOC that’s a well-established chipset.

The reality is though that you might need to go to China and meet with some of the manufacturers yourself. But to meet these folks, you have to know where to go. The great news is that there’s a ton of great resources to help you locate a partner and start conversations., ThomasNet and are a great starting point for components. It’s like the Yellow Pages for manufacturing. If you start looking through, you’ll find folks that do production for all the major players such as Nokia but also for little guys. But don’t trust what’s on their web site as your end all be all. First of all, manufacturer’s websites are A: marketing and B: notoriously out of date and poorly designed. Research the companies looking in your favorite search engine for the manufacturer’s name and the words “scam” or “fraud” or “fail”.

Quantity Options

In physical manufacturing, quantity matters. It takes time and effort to set up the manufacturing of a given item. There is also the possibility that there’s specialty equipment and the like that either needs to be purchased or tuned to make your device. Both of these, time and equipment, cost a lot of money. That price needs to be amortized across a large number of units in order to really drive the cost down. If you want 10-20 of a small device, expect to be paying hundreds to thousands each just for the setup and manufacturing before you get to your “BOM” or Bill of Materials. Reality is that if you are only ordering a couple hundred devices, that’s a “small run”. In fact, some manufacturers look at anything less than 10k as a small run. This means that either they are not interested or the price goes up fairly dramatically. That said, don’t go do a run of 10k of something without verifying that it works and that customers like it.


There’s a lot of questions that you have to answer before you get started building. Most people start with the board that they get cheap at Radio Shack but don’t think down the line for when they are going to try to go to production. Before you make that mistake, think through the choices that you’re going to need to make and then pick a board that’s a good fit for you.

BTW – I talked about some of this on the .NET Rocks Episode 1144 – Getting Practical with IoT

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! Every year about this time I say to myself, why didn’t I put out a Christmas letter? I receive some from some amazing folks every year and every year, I think about and fail to reciprocate. Well this year is different. Well, kinda different. By different I mean that I’m putting this blog post up and I’m going to post it on Facebook and email it and such to reach the people that I should have taken the time to write out a proper Christmas letter to.

It’s been an interesting year to say the least. The whole family has changed and grown up in ways that I am still trying to get used to and it’s a good thing.

CollinCollin, my oldest, is 18 and in college now. He figured out that he could skip his senior year and go directly to the community college and start getting college credits since he was 18. He’s loving college and doing really well. He’s also gotten a job at Baskin Robbins. He’s closing on the weekends and seems to be enjoying at least the paycheck if not the job. It was awesome this year to watch him shopping for his siblings on his own with his own money and the pride that he took in that.

SeanSean is 16 and a Junior in high school. He’s gotten big and is, much to my dismay, borrowing my shirts a lot these days. The house, thanks to him, has become one of the social hubs for Interlake High School and is a regular drop in zone for boys and girls. He’s working on finding a job but as Collin found out for him, this is a really tough job market for teens. He, much to my pride, has come up with several ideas for startups that he’d like to pursue. I’m anxious to see which one of them sticks.

MiriamMiriam is 14 now and is in 8th grade. She’s involved in *everything*. She’s a “WEB leader” which is a welcoming committee/mentor program for the 6th graders coming into her school. She’s loving the responsibility and is adorable talking about her 6th graders and how important her work with them is. She’s also in the choir at church (Holy Family Name in Kirkland, WA), youth group, multiple sleep overs a month, anime club and anything else that she can talk us into taking her to.

MauraMaura is 11 and growing up fast. She’s in “5th” grade and is our “A” student which is funny because “A” is for “adaptive”. Many of you may know that she’s got special needs. You can read all about it on my wife’s blog at Suffice to say she’s got global delays but we’re thrilled this year that she’s outgrown her seizure disorder. She was on meds twice a day for the last 7 years of our lives but this summer we weaned her off of them and couldn’t be happier about them.

Phoebe HolmesPhoebe is doing really well here. We both miss Ireland and it’s hard to imagine that it’s been a year and a half since we moved but it has. Phoebe has finished one book which she has at an agent right now and we’re hoping that it’ll get picked up and shopped to publishers. She’s most of the way through the second but as you know, she’s already got a much stronger following than I do on her blog. I wish that I was half the writer that she is and 10% as prolific as she is with 5% as amazing material as she produces. I, and all of her followers, love her sense of humor that envelops every topic and has you laughing and crying at the same time.

Josh with his guitarI’m still at Microsoft working in TED (Technical Evangelism and Development) on a team called Strategic Engagements. It’s about as fun of a job as I can imagine. My job is, no word of a lie, to full time write open source software and I get paid by Microsoft to do it. If I rewound even a year ago, I wouldn’t have believed it but here I am. And I’m getting to play in a space called Internet of Things which you can translate as I’m getting to play with all the fun toys. Someday they’ll figure out that they’re paying me for this. 🙂 I’m still mountain biking and working on vintage motorcycles as much as possible. Someday, I’ll “retire” and do the motorcycle work all the time. I’ve got an engine to overhaul this winter and I couldn’t be happier about it.

Merry Christmas to all of you!

Tessel 2 Nitrogen

I’ve been playing a ton with the IoT space over the past 4-6 months. It’s been a ton of fun from a number of directions.

  1. I love to play with devices. I’ve got Arduinos, Raspberry PIs, Minnow Boards, Galileos and more. But my latest is the Tessel.
  2. I love playing with large scale cloud infrastructures as well.
  3. I love learning new technologies.

This last bit has pushed me in all three of those areas. I’ve been working with Tim Park on an IoT framework called Nitrogen which is built in node.js and runs in Azure. Working on Nitrogen has really pushed my node.js knowledge and I had never done anything with Ember prior to this. And then pile on top of that the vast number of devices out there and there’s something new for me to learn every day. 🙂

Yesterday I started playing with my Tessel and seeing if I could connect it up to Nitrogen’s MQTT gateway. Ivan Judson was kind enough to stand one up for me that I can start playing with. It was ridiculously easy to get going from there.

I started with the Climate Logging over MQTT project found on the Tessel site and modified it for Nitrogen.

The big change with Nitrogen is the format of the topic for subscriptions. Rather than being a simple string is a JSON object. For example, rather than just being “temperature” or something like that, is a subscription to messages routed to this particular device.

var subscription = ‘{“to”: \”‘+deviceId+‘\” }’

Check out all the code on Github at

Following your passion…

There’s a video and cartoon that go through Alan Watts’s little speech about “What if money was no object”. The summary is that he challenges students to forget about money and focus on their passion. You can watch the whole thing on “The Mind Unleashed” ->

There is a part of this that I agree with and a ton of it that I vehemently disagree with.

The part that I agree with is that if you are simply chasing money, you’ll never be happy and fulfilled. The flip side of that is that if my son exclusively followed his passion, he’d be turn 30 still living my basement playing video games. And if expanded and everyone just followed their passions, who would build sewers, collect garbage and so on.

Passion Pay Potential TriangleThe best manager that I’ve ever had, Nathan Hancock, once drew a triangle on the board with the corners labeled Passion, Pay and Potential.

What you want to do is be dead centre of that triangle.

For example, I’ve got a tremendous amount of passion around playing soccer. And the English Premier League pays really REALLY well. But I have little to no potential.

I also have a lot of passion around being a vintage motorcycle mechanic. And I’m pretty good at it. But it doesn’t pay well enough to support my family.

I have zero passion around politics as a whole. At the higher levels it pays well and I’d be really good at but I’d hate my life.

Programming, for me, is something that I’m passionate about, if I’m on the right projects and working with the right folks, that pays well and I’m good at. What pays just as well that I’m more passionate about is software architecture and teaching people. Architect evangelist make a great job for me because it’s pretty close to the centre of that triangle.

There are lots of people who at really happy handing out on the right hand side of the triangle. This includes artists, people who run charities, the good teachers, clergy and so on. We need those people in our lives. They make us better as a society and enrich our lives in amazing ways. But that’s not everyone and it shouldn’t be anyone with responsibilities such as kids.

You don’t have to look far to see people on the left hand side of the triangle. Watch any of the reality TV shows such as “The Voice” or “America’s Got Talent” to see people who have a lot of passion and are trying to get into something that pays well but have zero potential.

There are people who choose to hang out at the bottom part of the triangle. These people have made money their passion and mistakenly think that it’ll make them happy. There are professions that are more full of these people than others. A tremendous number of lawyers for example, have done this. There are definitely lawyers who are passionate about helping people in need and serving the law is how they do that.

If I had followed my passion exclusively, I would be in a theatre somewhere and would have never tried programming to be honest. Following the money helped me find something that was in the centre of the triangle. But I didn’t just go become something that I thought would pay well. I looked for something that I love doing and continued to refine that over and over again until I found what I’m doing now. I’m going to continue to refine that over time as I continue to endeavor to be in the centre of the triangle.

In short, life is not black and white. It’s not one and only one thing that you’re passionate about and you should pursue that without regard. If you honest with yourself, you’re passionate about a lot of things. Find one of those things that pays decently and get good at it. If you do that, you’ll be in a good place.