I’m a mentor and coach. I work with people to unblock and enable them to reach their highest potential whether they work for me, with me, near me or just reach out for a conversation.
I speak at a lot of conferences. For more on that, check out my speaker bio and headshot page (yes, it’s a little self serving but what’d you think when you came to a website for a guy who’s name is his website? And also, it’s quite useful when going to a bunch of speaking gigs.).

I run a nonprofit called Seattle GiveCamp. We help nonprofits with their technical needs. The public sees one three day hackathon a year but Seattle GiveCamp is an all year long passion project as we support many nonprofits throughout the year culminating in the big three day weekend with sometimes dozens of nonprofits and hundreds of volunteers. Looking forward to being back in person in 2022 if possible but we’ve had some great success helping nonprofits remotely over the past 2 years.
I work at Microsoft for my day job as an engineering manager. I’ve been here 15 years and held a number of different roles across the world.
I am a father, husband, photographer, bee keeper, biker (both pedal power as well as engine powered), home renovator, …