Category Archives: Uncategorized

Creating a Simple PHP Blog in Azure

In this post, I want to walk through creating a simple Azure application that will show a few pages, leverage Blob storage, Table storage and generally get you started doing PHP on Azure development. In short, we are going to write a very simple PHP Blog engine for Azure.

To be very clear, this is not a pro blog engine and I don’t recommend using it in production. It’s a lab for you to try some things out and play with PHP on Azure development.

If you feel like cheating, all of the source code is available in the zip file at

0. Before you get started, you need to make sure that you have the PHP on Azure development environment setup. If you don’t, please follow the instructions at Easy Setup for PHP On Azure Development.


Create a Windows Azure Web Project

1. To accomplish this, click on File | New | Project.

2. In the New PHP Azure Web Project page, name the project PABlogEngine (for PHP on Azure Blog Engine).

3. Next you need to select Windows Azure Data Storage. Notice that we’re not selecting SQL Storage. We are going to be using Table and Blob Storage for this project.

4. Click Finish

Creating a Table Entity in PHP

The next step is to get a little setup stuff done. We are going to be using Entities to put into our Table.

1. Create a file called PABlogPost.php. This is going to contain our Entity that we are going to put into our Azure Table storage.

2. Fill out the PABlogPost.php as follows:

 * Include the Windows Azure Table Storage helper class from the 
 * Windows Azure for PHP SDK
require_once 'Microsoft/WindowsAzure/Storage/Table.php';

class PABlogPost extends Microsoft_WindowsAzure_Storage_TableEntity
     * Notice the Doctrine style comments, some of which, 
     * such as $ImageType, have typing information. 
     * Anything that doesn't have a type is stored as a string. 
     * @azure Title
    public $Title;
     * @azure Description
    public $Description;
     * @azure Author
    public $Author;
     * @azure pubDate
    public $pubDate;
     * @azure Image
    public $Image;
     * @azure ImageUrlOriginal
    public $ImageUrlOriginal;
     * @azure Type
    public $ImageType;
     * @azure Size Edm.Int64
    public $ImageSize;
     * @azure Visible Edm.Boolean
    public $Visible = false;

Setting up the utilities

The next step is to get a couple more utilities in place prior to actually writing our application. Specifically, we have two utility functions that we need to hit on and some system wide values.

1. Create a file called utility.php

2. Add the following two values to it.

$BLOG_TABLE = "blogposts";

We will use these whenever we are going to be accessing the table and or partition. This will let us quickly change them in one place if we ever need to.

The next thing that we need to do is have a consistent way to create our Table Storage Client as we’re using it on more than one page.

3. Add a function called createTableStorageClient as follows:

 * Create Table Storage Client for table operations using account defined in ServiceConfiguration file
 * @return Microsoft_WindowsAzure_Storage_Table New storageclient for Azure Storage Table
function createTableStorageClient()
  if (isset($_SERVER['USERDOMAIN']) && $_SERVER['USERDOMAIN'] == 'CIS')
    $host = Microsoft_WindowsAzure_Storage::URL_CLOUD_TABLE;
    $accountName = azure_getconfig('AzureCloudStorageAccountName');
    $accountKey = azure_getconfig('AzureCloudStorageAccountKey');
    $usePathStyleUri = true;
    $retryPolicy = Microsoft_WindowsAzure_RetryPolicy::retryN(10, 250);
    $tableStorageClient = new Microsoft_WindowsAzure_Storage_Table(
    $tableStorageClient = new Microsoft_WindowsAzure_Storage_Table();
	return $tableStorageClient;

4. Lastly, we will need a unique identifier. I’m going to follow Maarten’s lead from the sample code that he’s produced and create a UUID with the following function.

// Generate UUID
function generateUuid($prefix = '')
	$chars = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true));
	$uuid  = substr($chars,0,8) . '-';
	$uuid .= substr($chars,8,4) . '-';
	$uuid .= substr($chars,12,4) . '-';
	$uuid .= substr($chars,16,4) . '-';
	$uuid .= substr($chars,20,12);
	return $prefix . $uuid;

Saving to Windows Azure Table Storage and Windows Azure Blob Storage

There are actually several steps to creating a new post. The first is gathering the information. Next is inserting the post into the table. After that, inserting any images et all into the blob storage, then updating the table if needed with that new information.

1. Create a file called CreateNewPost.php.

2. Insert any template/html code that you want to make it look decent but the primary thing that you need in this page is a form that will accept the correct data do a post back to a file called newpost.php as follows:

<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="NewPost.php">
<input value="1048576" type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" />
<input name="posttitle" /><br />
<textarea rows="5" name="postdescription" type="text"></textarea><br />
<input name="postauthor" /><br />
Choose an image to upload:
<input type="file" name="imageUpload" /><br />
<br />
<input value="Create Post" type="submit" />

3. Create a new file called newpost.php

// Note that this code is NOT safe against various attacks and should be
// used for demonstrating the concepts of the application only.
// NEVER deploy to production without building correct checks!

// 1. Specify include path and include Windows Azure SDK for PHP
set_include_path( get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $_SERVER["RoleRoot"]);
require_once 'utility.php';
require_once 'PABlogPost.php';

require_once 'Microsoft/WindowsAzure/Storage/Table.php';
require_once 'Microsoft/WindowsAzure/Storage/Blob.php';

// 2. Instantiate services and make sure table and blob container exist
$tableStorageClient = new Microsoft_WindowsAzure_Storage_Table();
if (!$tableStorageClient->tableExists($BLOG_TABLE))

$blobStorageClient = new Microsoft_WindowsAzure_Storage_Blob();
if (!$blobStorageClient->containerExists($BLOG_TABLE))
	$blobStorageClient->setContainerAcl($BLOG_TABLE, Microsoft_WindowsAzure_Storage_Blob::ACL_PUBLIC);

// 3. Add a record in Windows Azure Table Storage
$newpost = new PABlogPost($BLOG_POSTS_PARTITION, generateUuid());
$newpost->Title = $_POST["posttitle"]; 
$newpost->Description = $_POST["postdescription"]; 
$newpost->Author = $_POST["postauthor"]; 
$newpost->Image = $_FILES['imageUpload']['name'];
$newpost->ImageType = $_FILES['imageUpload']['type'];
$newpost->ImageSize = $_FILES['imageUpload']['size'];
$newpost->UrlOriginal = '';
$newpost = $tableStorageClient->insertEntity($BLOG_TABLE, $newpost);

// 4. Upload the image to blob storage
$blob = $blobStorageClient->putBlob($BLOG_TABLE, $newpost->getRowKey(), $_FILES['imageUpload']['tmp_name']);

// 5. Update the post to reflect the new image URL in the table
$newpost->ImageUrlOriginal = $blob->Url;
$newpost= $tableStorageClient->updateEntity($BLOG_TABLE, $newpost);

<h1>New Post up!</h1>
	Your post has been created. Navigate to
	<!-- 6. Show the results -->
	<a href="post.php?id=<?php echo $newpost->getRowKey(); ?>"><?php echo $newpost->Title; ?></a>
	to see your new post.

Reading from Windows Azure Table Storage

We are almost done. The last thing that we need to do is to show the results for a specific post and to modify the index.php to show all of the posts.

1. Create a new file called post.php. We already referred to this page in the newpost.php file.

2. Fill out this post.php as follows:

set_include_path( get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $_SERVER["RoleRoot"]);
require_once 'utility.php';
require_once 'PABlogPost.php';
// 1. Include the table storage information

require_once 'Microsoft/WindowsAzure/Storage/Table.php'; // 2. Instantiate services $tableStorageClient = new Microsoft_WindowsAzure_Storage_Table(); // 3. Fetch post details $Id = $_REQUEST['id']; $post = $tableStorageClient->retrieveEntityById($BLOG_TABLE, $BLOG_POSTS_PARTITION, $Id); ?> <h1><?php echo $post->Title; ?></h1> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td rowspan="2"> <img src="<?php echo $post->ImageUrlOriginal; ?>" alt="<?php echo $post->Title; ?>" /> </td> <td> <?php echo ' - Title: <b>' . $post->Title . "</b><br/>"; echo ' - Description: ' . $post->Description . "<br/>"; echo ' - Author: ' . $post->Author . "<br/>"; echo ' - Author: ' . $post->Author . "<br/>"; echo ' - pubDate ' - $post->pubDate . "<br/>"; ?> </td> </tr> </table> <a href='/'>Home</a>

There’s a couple of things to notice about this code.

First, notice that we’re not talking to blob storage in the PHP code. All we are doing is putting in a link to the blob with the $post->ImageUrlOriginal. This is because the blob storage is giving us a restful endpoint that we need.

Another thing to notice is that it’s not doing any checks for exceptions. You will want to do that in your code.

3. The last thing that we need to do is the index.php. Fill it out as follows:

set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $_SERVER["RoleRoot"] . "\\approot\\");

require_once 'utility.php';
require_once 'PABlogPost.php';
 * Refer PHP Azure SDK library files for Azure Storage Services Operations
require_once 'Microsoft/WindowsAzure/Storage.php';
require_once 'Microsoft/WindowsAzure/Storage/Table.php';

$tableStorageClient = createTableStorageClient();

if ($tableStorageClient->tableExists($BLOG_TABLE))
	 * Performing queries. Notice that we are not using a filter. 
	$posts = $tableStorageClient->retrieveEntities(

	echo "Blog posts:<br />";
	foreach ($posts as $post)
		echo '<p>';
		echo '<b><a href="post.php?id=' . $post->getRowKey() . 
			'">' .$post->Title . '</a></b>';
		echo ' - Description: ' . $post->Description . "<br/>";
		echo ' - Author: ' . $post->Author . "<br/>";
		echo ' - Author: ' . $post->Author . "<br/>";
		echo '</p>';


At this point, we have a very rudimentary blog written in PHP on the Azure platform that is using Table Storage and Blob Storage for all of it’s data. Couple of key points to hit on are that this is not using a traditional database.

I will very likely continue to enhance this little toy application over time as I try showing off more and more things in PHP on Azure.

Again, all of the source code is available in the zip file at

*Update* Someone was having issues with this one and emailed me. The error that they were getting was:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘Microsoft_Http_Transport_Exception’ with message ‘cURL error occured during request for 7 – couldn’t connect to host’

Turns out that they had not started the Development Storage service so there was nothing for cURL to connect to in the first place. To start it, start the Development Fabric (the computation engine). Once the Development Fabric is up and running, you will need to right click on the Dev Fabric icon in the system tray and select Start Development Storage Service.


At this point you should be good to go.

BTW – if you actually play with this code, I’d love to hear about your experiences with it either in email at josh (dot) holmes (at) microsoft (dot) com or in the comments below.

Easy Setup for PHP On Azure Development

I just got back from the JumpIn Camp in fantastic Zurich, Switzerland. I’ll blog about that whole experience shortly. In the meantime, however, I thought I’d get some resources out here that would have been useful last week. 🙂 Specifically in this post, I thought I’d tackle the Windows Azure 4 Eclipse tooling setup.

There are two major things that we need to do. First is to get the Windows Azure SDK installed. The reality is that this is all that you *really* need to do Windows Azure development and testing. However, we want to do our PHP development with the Eclipse toolset for Azure. This gives us debugging support and a lot of great helpers.

Installing the Windows Azure 1.1 February 2010 SDK

First, we need to get the requirements for the Windows Azure 1.1 February SDK itself installed.

To get started, we need to have Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 or later. Really, I recommend that you go with Windows 7 if you have to upgrade.

Enabling ASP.NET and CGI in Windows Features The next thing that you need is to enable IIS with ASP.NET and CGI support. This is easier than it might seem. In the Control Panel, find “Turn Windows Features on or off”. On Vista, you might have to open Add/Remove Programs to find that option. Here, you need to navigate down the tree and find Internet Information Services | World Wide Web Service | Application Development Features and enable ASP.NET and CGI. That will auto select the other dependencies such as .NET Extensibility and ISAPI Extensions and Filters.

Once you complete that, you need to install some version of SQL Server 2005 or later. The one that I recommend, if you don’t have SQL Server already installed is Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express.

Those are all of requirements the Windows Azure 1.1 February 2010 SDK. At this point we can download and install it.

Installing Eclipse with the Windows Azure for Eclipse tooling

The next step is to install Eclipse itself. Eclipse is written in Java so you will need the Java JRE 5 or later. 5 is no longer supported so I recommend that you go with Java JRE Standard Edition Version 6.

Once that’s installed, it’s a simple matter of downloading the PDT 2.1 All In Ones / Eclipse PHP Package and unzipping it into a folder. The PDT version of Eclipse comes with a lot of tools for PHP including perspectives for PHP, the Zend debugger, XDebug, syntax highlighting and more. The Windows Azure 4 Eclipse tooling builds on this.

Now, you need to install the Windows Azure 4 Eclipse tooling. To do that, open Eclipse and select Help | Install New Software. Click “Add” and put in Windows Azure For Eclipse for the title and for the location. In the tree below, select all three pieces and follow the rest of the wizard.


This installs the Windows Azure for PHP SDK and a lot of tooling inside of Eclipse to get you set up.

At this point, you are technically ready to go but I recommend doing a few more things.

Quick Tips to Make Things Smoother

There are a number of little things that we discovered throughout the week that will make things easier for you.

PHP Version Conflicts

The first thing to do is to check to see if you’re going to have any conflicts between the version of PHP on your disk and the version of PHP that comes with the Eclipse tooling. The conflict is that even if both versions are PHP 5.2.13, the version that Eclipse uses is the thread-safe version and the one that everyone else in the world uses is the non-thread-safe version because most people don’t do threading in PHP anyways (I know you do Liz Smith but you’re not most people…). This happens if you’ve used the PHP Installer or the Web Platform Installer to get PHP on your box because both of them put PHP in the %Path% which is the right thing to do. The issue comes in when the Azure DevFabric starts PHP-CGI.exe from your Azure install but that executable looks in the path for it’s dependencies. It finds the non-thread-safe libraries and throws an exception. Oops.

*update* I had a much better idea than the below – check out my new post on resolving the PHP Version conflicts at Resolving PHP Version Conflicts While Developing For Azure”

There are a couple of fixes that you could leverage, none of which are ideal. One is to just install the thread-safe version on your box. There are two issues here. First is that you are now using the thread-safe version of PHP on your own box and it might not be that one in the cloud. The second issue is that you are using your php.ini file from the c:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\ folder. This is not really an issue if you remember this fact and make sure that you deploy that PHP.ini file and set of extensions that you want to deploy.

The other fix, the one that I’ve chosen to do most of the time, is to simply rename the PHP directory on my disk (typically at c:\Program Files\PHP or c:\Program Files (x86)\PHP) when I’m doing Azure development and rename it back when I want to do local development. This is a little bit of a pain sometimes but it’s easier to find these issues than the subtle ones that could be introduced by the other technique.

Resolving the mystery 500 Error

Unfortunately, there’s not a great way to divine what is causing the 500 error in some cases. The one that I see most often is the PHP version conflict. Others include database connection errors, file permissions issues, uncaught exceptions and the like. There are two ways to handle this.

The first is to make heavy use of the logging facilities to write out to the dev fabric manager’s UI the exception.

The second way is to attach either the Zend debugger or XDebug to the Dev Fabric and step through the issue. The way to do that is to

Zend Debugger and Windows Azure DevFabric Storage

Changing the Zend Debugging PortThe first thing is that the Windows Azure DevFabric Storage uses port 10000. This is not a bad thing except that the Zend Debugger, by default, also uses port 10000. The end result is if you launch Eclipse and then try to start the development fabric storage engine, you’ll get a conflict.

Specifically, the error is from the Development Storage engine – “The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process”. This is a bizarre error that doesn’t actually give you correct information. The way to fix this is in Eclipse, go to Windows | Preferences, find the Zend Debugger settings and edit the port.

Download Windows Azure for PHP Contrib Project

There are a couple of things that are not in the Windows Azure for PHP SDK. A couple of specific examples are Azure Drives, editing the PHP.ini and more. That’s all found in the Windows Azure for PHP Contrib project by Maarten Balliauw. Fun story on this is that at JumpIn Camp Maarten looked over at me and asked me if there was a way to mount Azure drives in PHP. I said that I didn’t think so. 20 minutes later, he called me over to show me that he had gotten it working. He spent another 20 minutes cleaning it up and committed his patch to the Windows Azure for PHP Contrib

Creating a Hello World Azure Application with Eclipse

Select Windows Azure Web Project This has walked you through the setup of the Windows Azure 4 Eclipse tooling and now you’re ready to get started with your first Azure application to test the install and all.

To test the install, click File | New | Project. In the New Project Wizard, expand the tree to find PHP | Windows Azure Web Project.

Click Next.

PHP Azure Project WizardIn the PHP Azure Project, name the project Hello World and select the Windows Azure Data Storage option.

Click Finish.

This will create the project and give you some starter code that you can work with. To do that, select the project in the PHP Explorer and select from the menu Windows Azure | Run in Development Fabric. This will package the application and then launch it in the DevFabric. If it’s not running, it will give you the user access control admin permissions screen twice, once for the DevFabric Compute and once for the DevFabric Storage.

PHP InfoNext will launch the browser and navigate to your application running in the DevFabric. The simple Hello World show PHPInfo().

Soon, I’ll post about writing a slightly more complex application.

Please use the comments on this post to let me know if you were successful or not in getting the PHPInfo() to show…

PHP On Azure Resources

I’m at JumpIn Camp in Zurich and we’ve been diving deep into PHP on Azure. One of the things that we’ve done is talk about a ton of resources that are available out there on the web to learn more about PHP on Azure. To that end, I thought I’d collect a few of them here on my blog.

In the morning, I talked at a high level about what Azure is, how the various roles work and how to run PHP on Azure. My deck that I used was the first half of the same deck that I used on the PHP On Azure World Tour.

Another great starting point and set of resources is Maarten Balliauw’s Blog itself. He’s been helping out here at JumpIn Camp from a technical perspective on Azure and running PHP on Windows in the first place. He did the next part of the session diving deep into the PHP on Azure SDK.

You’ll notice some overlap between our desk because we’re largely talking about the same SDK and leveraging the same code examples.

Maarten’s first deck that he used to talk about Blog, Queue and Table storage is:

The second one that Maarten used to talk about SQL Azure is:

Maarten also did a demo of an app called ImageCloud leverages both a Web and Worker role to do front end uploading of an image and backend processing of that image. That code can be found at ImageCloud Azure Demo Application.

For some great resources on architecture guidance, take a look at Windows Azure Architecture Guidance. This is put out by the Patterns and Practices group at Microsoft.


Another great resource is Benchmarking and Guidance for Windows Azure. This was created and launched by the Extreme Computing Group (aka XCG).


More resources:

Microsoft Windows Azure Interop

Microsoft Interop Bridges

Windows Azure 4 Eclipse


Windows Azure MySQL PHP Solution Accelerator


I’ll be adding to these resources over the course of the week so check back for lots more.

Making PHP faster on IIS

I’ve been doing quite a bit of work with PHP on the Microsoft stack recently. That includes my work with PHP on Azure and moving my blog to WordPress. I’ll be honest though and say that I’m simply standing on the shoulders of giants. The PHP on IIS team, including Ruslan Yakushev, the Web Application Gallery team, including Faith Allington, Crystal Hoyer and Mai-lan Tomsen Bukovec (all three of whom I wish would start blogging), the Microsoft Web marketing team (who happen to be extremely technical and are a credit to marketers everywhere), including Mark Brown, the Microsoft Open Source Technology Center (OSTC).

An example of this is that when I spoke at WordCamp Ireland, I talked about the amazing improvements in FastCGI over the past few years, the Web Application Gallery and Web Platform Installer (WebPI), URL Redirect, WinCache and many other things that Microsoft is doing to embrace open source technologies. My slides are below:

Now you can hear about these improvements from Ruslan Yakushev and Mark Brown themselves talking about these improvements, specifically the ones related to performance, with the good folks over at PHP Architect on a webcast…

For all the details, check out the web cast at Making PHP faster on IIS!

PHP on Azure World Tour

IMG_2837I have the privilege and honor of doing a tour of across Europe talking to PHP developers about running on Azure and on IIS. The countries that I ended up in are Ireland, Portugal, Austria, UK, Norway, The Netherlands, Belgium and then I went back to Ireland. That included 2 conferences and 6 Microsoft run events.

The way that the trip came about is that I was invited to keynote PHPUK 2010 and since I was going to be in Europe already, Beat Schwegler organized for me to visit the other countries. Big thanks out to him for organizing the whole trip.

The topic in at the Microsoft run events was “Scaling Big While Sleeping Well” which is a talk about PHP on Azure.

Dublin, Ireland (First time around)

Ireland was the first place that I did my Azure session. There were roughly 20 people in the audience.

Lisbon, Portugal

IMG_1966One of my regrets about the whole trip was that I didn’t get to spend as much time in each of the countries as I would like to have. Portugal was definitely one of them that I was disappointed that I didn’t get to spend more time in. I was on the ground for about 18 hours from 10:30 on Monday night to about 2:00 on Tuesday.

On the plus side, we had quite a few people in the audience and they were engaged. I had a ton of good questions and hopefully I answered them all. Also, it was a fantastic venue. It was in the new library building for one of the local colleges – Faculdade Nova de Lisbon. The venue was a real tribute to the college as it was a gorgeous facility and the room was almost acoustically perfect.

Vienna, Austria

IMG_2000This was my first time in Austria. My brother and sister both have done college studies in Austria so told me lots of different things to do while I was there. I was a little disappointed in the turn out at this event as it was only about 7 people there including Rolf Mistelbacher and Gerhard Goeschl from Microsoft.

Another cool thing in Vienna was that I got to catch up with an old friend Andreas Erlacher who showed me around downtown Vienna.

PHPUK 2010 in London, UK


One of the extremely cool things that I got to do is keynote at PHPUK 2010. I did my Lost Art of Simplicity talk as an uncon session at ZendCon. Scott MacVicor heard about it and was kind enough to pitch it to the board of the conference. The session went over really well and got a lot of great feedback on – in fact it’s currently the most reviewed talk on 🙂 Considering that there were roughly 450 people in the audience and 500 at the overall event, it makes a lot of sense.

I want to thank Johanna Cherry, Matt Raines and the rest of the organizing committee for their organization and hospitality.

image Since I was doing the keynote, it didn’t really make sense for me to do another session as well. Rob Allen, however, stepped up big and did a session on Azure. Turns out that he had not looked at Azure prior to Will Coleman and I asking him if he’d be interested in doing the talk. Not only did he say yes, he did a fantastic job as well. I was also pleasantly surprised that there 52 people in the room to hear about Azure.

You can download Rob Allen’s Azure Slides.

Oslo, Norway

IMG_2825This was the first time that I had been to Norway. I got really lucky with the weather. Evidently the week before I was there it was –18 Celsius but it was –4 (roughly 25 Fahrenheit) which is actually a lot like how I left Michigan.

There were 12 people in the audience + Rune Zakariassen who was gracious enough to host me for the day. I also had a chance to meet with Petter Merok, the Developer and Platform Evangelism lead for Norway.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

IMG_2873I’ve been through Schiphol in Amsterdam a lot of times but not really gotten to spend much time outside of the airport itself. Also, it was fantastic to have a great guide around Amsterdam in Juliette Folmer.

The session itself was a joint meeting hosted by Microsoft and PHP Benelux. PHP Benelux is a cooperation of the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg PHP user groups. Big thanks to Stefan Koopmanschap aka @skoop and Bram Veenhof for organizing in the Netherlands. There were two presentations. First was Jan-Willem Eshuis from NOS. NOS is a public broadcast network in the Netherlands that manages all of the sports broadcasting in the country. He talked about Service Oriented Architecture and how NOS has been able to reach the scale that they have. It was a lot of fun talking with him about how they were managing and broadcasting the Olympic coverage. The second presentation was mine. It was a small group, 5 people, but they were very engaged and I almost didn’t make it through the materials…

Brussels, Belgium

IMG_2999I met with the Belgium branch of the PHP Benelux user group the next day in Brussels. This was another small but great meeting.

As with the previous meeting, there were two sessions. The first session was by Michelangelo van Dam aka @dragonbe. He took one of the Zend Framework sample applications and ported it from Linux to Windows showing how easy this process can be. This was cool because it gave between the two of us we were able to point out the power of the web.config from showing off simple configuration and setting up the FastCGI handler to showing the URL Redirect bits.

Next I talked about Azure. Here I got my my personal favorite compliment of the whole trip. It came from a hoster who came in hoping that he wouldn’t like Azure as it’s in direct competition with his business. He begrudgingly told me after the meeting that he was impressed and liked what he had seen. 🙂

Big thanks to Katrien de Grave for hosting me all day and organizing the meeting. It was also great to get to finally meet her after thousands of emails back and forth on various topics.

WordCamp Ireland in Kilkenny, Ireland

I wrapped up my tour by hitting WordCamp Ireland in Kilkenny, Ireland. Read all about that in my post about WordCamp Ireland.


I had a ton of fun on my tour even though it exhausted me completely.

WordCamp Ireland

IMG_3070I had the pleasure to attend and speak at WordCamp Ireland March 6-7, 2010. First off, huge kudos to the whole organizing committee especially Sabrina Dent and Katherine Nolan. The whole event was extremely well run. From the amazing venue to the session line up, I was impressed with the whole event.

Second, big thanks to Martha Rotter who worked with Sabrina Dent to get me a speaking slot and reschedule it for day 2 to make sure that I’d be there in time.

This was my first ever WordCamp and I have to say it was an interesting experience. There was an amazing blend of extraordinarily technical folk and completely new to web/blogging/technology folk. My favorite question that I got was, as I was explaining my job at Microsoft and that I work with a lot of PHP developers. The question was “What’s PHP?”. On the other hand, I had some great technical conversations with folks like Alastair McDermott, Joost de Valk and Michele Neylon.

Site Clinic

IMG_3079My favorite session at WordCamp Ireland was called Site Clinic put on by Joost de Valk aka @yoast. He had a couple of slides where he laid out who he was and then said that this session is really just called “Stressing Yoast out for 50 minutes.” He asked the audience for suggestions of web sites. Then he gave them advice about how to better manage SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and the like. He knows what he’s talking about. Do a search for WordPress SEO and see what I mean. 🙂 Some of the top pull outs for me that I’m going to be incorporating into this site when I do a major overhaul in a few weeks:

  1. Read his post on SEO at
  2. Switch the title format to be “Post Name >> Blog Title” as it’s actually the posts that you want to have more weight and to be at the front of the link when it shows up in Google or Bing.
  3. My front page takes a while to load. You can test it with a great tool at I need to reduce the front page to abstracts or synopsis for the actual articles and links to the full article. This helps with load time and it helps with SEO because the content is in one place rather than scattered all over the web.
  4. Remove the “Recent posts” and “Recent Tweets” from the individual articles. The rule of thumb here is if it’s not relevant to the current post or your revenue (i.e. adds) remove it.

Becoming a Social Media Guru and Make WordPress Your Bitch

image Sabrina Dent gave a great session on Social Media and WordPress – One of the big points that she hit on is that having people on a social network site such as facebook or twitter is great but the real point is to get them to your own site. To that end, make sure that you drive traffic in the right directions.

Free Tools You Didn’t Know About to Help Improve Your WordPress site

image Martha Rotter gave another great talk in the basic track called “Free Tools You Didn’t Know About to Help Improve Your WordPress site”. She highlighted Windows Live Writer, Web Platform Installer, Microsoft SEO Toolkit and several others.

I also liked her use of PPTPlex for the presentation – it looked pretty awesome and I’m going to have to start using it going forward.

You can find out about all of the tools that she highlighted and download her slides on her blog at WordCamp Ireland 2010.

WordPress on Windows

I also gave a talk about running WordPress on Windows. Really this is a running PHP on Windows with all of my demos being WordPress related. My favorite bit was installing WordPress, including pretty URLs, on Windows in about 3 minutes through the Web Platform Installer.

I uploaded my slides to Slideshare.


It was also fun learning more about Rugby. Evidently, according to Alastair, I’m built perfectly for it. I played a little backyard pickup Rugby in high school but there wasn’t really any rules and I didn’t really understand the game. I’ve found myself, since getting home, watching all of the Six Nations matches. I’m still not 100% on all the rules and such but I’m learning.


Really hoping that I get to go to WordCa
mp Ireland again next year. It was a great event run by and attended by great people.


I’ll get a better post up with a lot more detail once I’m able to get a little more time. I just didn’t want to keep you in suspense any longer.

Thank you to everyone who was so generous and donated. All told, with online, offline and matching funds, we raised a staggering $3522.11. Overall the event raised a little over $26k. That’s an awesome amount of money and the Special Olympics of Michigan will make it stretch. However, they are not done yet – there are more plunges happening this around Michigan. In fact, a guy who is plunging because of me is Jeremy Lance – you should donate to his plunge at

In short, here is a short video showing the polar plunge itself.

Again – thank you to everyone who donated!

Display Name Date Amount  Comment
brian gorbett 2/13/2010 $100.00 even though i missed the plunge, u r awesome! 
Rebecca and Paul Foret 2/13/2010 $15.00  
Cal evans 2/13/2010 $25.00  
Michael Letterle 2/13/2010 $25.00 One of the many reasons you rock 
Mark Brown 2/13/2010 $50.00 Happy to help for a great cause. Match from MS to get you $100. 
Susan and Leon Holmes 2/13/2010 $25.00  
Brian Genisio 2/13/2010 $20.00  
Kevin 2/12/2010 $25.00  
Anonymous 2/12/2010 $35.00 Plunge Josh Plunge 
Vid Luther 2/12/2010 $51.00  
James Ward 2/12/2010 $50.00 Burrrr…. 
Drew Robbins 2/12/2010 $50.00  
James Bender 2/12/2010 $50.00 Good luck, that waters cold! 
Matt Davis 2/12/2010 $50.00  
Janet Keller 2/12/2010 $50.00 Hats off to you for that kind of commitment! Will be cheering from the fireside… 
Sazbean 2/12/2010 $50.00 Brr! Great cause! Get warm with a tasty beverage afterwards! – Sarah & Aaron 
Clark Sell 2/12/2010 $25.00 Stay Warm 
Dave Redding 2/12/2010 $50.00 Here’s to the SO. Get a descent camera man this time! 
Scott Watermasysk 2/12/2010 $25.00  
JRPendarvis and family 2/12/2010 $20.00  
Jim Holmes 2/12/2010 $100.00  
Anonymous 2/12/2010 $20.00  
ElizabethN 2/12/2010 $10.00 You rock, Josh! 
Larry Clarkin 2/12/2010 $25.00 Dive Deep! 
Anonymous 2/12/2010 $20.00  
Shawn S 2/11/2010 $20.00  
Scott MacVicar 2/11/2010 $100.00 Video or it didn’t happen 
Pablo Godel 2/11/2010 $50.00 Good luck! 
Evan 2/11/2010 $50.00 You must Chill! We have hidden your keys! 
The Detroit Java User Group 2/11/2010 $50.00  
Greg Malcolm 2/11/2010 $40.00 Setting light to the lake first is cheating! 
Jenn Brees 2/6/2010 $20.00  
Anonymous 2/5/2010 $25.00 Every1 has some sort of a special need.Some needs r > others. Thnk u 4 helping me w mine.-code junky 
see.clay 2/5/2010 $190.00 over the hump, thanks for the chats, some people you remember – for a reason 
Anonymous 2/5/2010 $20.00  
Anonymous 2/5/2010 $40.00 I’ll be thinking “Warm” thoughts for you. 
Liza Sisler 2/4/2010 $100.00 When you go to Ireland check out the ‘Forty Foot’ for Polar Plunge #2 
Nathan Hancock 2/3/2010 $100.00 Have Fun! 
Dawn 2/2/2010 $50.00 Not dunking you… just pushing you closer to the edge, Jer 
Greg 2/2/2010 $100.00 I expect to see you guys holding hands when you jump in! 
Martin L. Shoemaker 2/2/2010 $108.11 You’re a brave man, brother Josh! 
Chris Large 2/2/2010 $20.00 My pleasure… 
Matt Cowan 2/2/2010 $25.00 Way to go! 
Larry Siden 2/2/2010 $18.00 “18” in Hebrew letters spells “life”! 
Jason Chrispen 2/2/2010 $20.00 Good luck, sounds like a great cause. Make your daughter proud. 
aunt red 2/2/2010 $10.00 go jeremy, great cause 
Jacob Mullins 2/1/2010 $50.00 Rock on brother! 
Rob Allen 2/1/2010 $25.00  
Ashwin Karuhatty 2/1/2010 $50.00 I am proud of you!  
John Gilmour 2/1/2010 $25.00 Cold, cold, cold…. 
DeVaris Brown 2/1/2010 $50.00 Anything to help out brothaman 
Tim COrbett 2/1/2010 $30.00 Hope you reach your goal 
Joe Saul 1/31/2010 $50.00 Josh, I don’t know you, but I’m doing this because of Jer’s co-pledge, so make sure he goes in too! 
Hawthorne Property Services 1/31/2010 $100.00  
Dinah 1/31/2010 $5.00 Wish I could give more. I’ve done the jump and know how much fun it can be 🙂 good luck! 
Chris and Tracy Woodruff 1/31/2010 $25.00 Way to go Josh!! Stay warm!! 
Angela Dugan 1/31/2010 $100.00 My hubby does the jump every year, looks like, um, fun? 🙂 
Anonymous 1/31/2010 $20.00 Brrrrrr! 
Sadukie 1/30/2010 $25.00 Here’s to you and your Wonderpuzzle! 🙂 
Anonymous 1/30/2010 $20.00 Hey Josh, worked with you once a few years ago, but I too have a daughter with special needs. 🙂 
Ryan Weaver 1/30/2010 $25.00 Living and swimming in MI – you make me feel like a traitor 🙂 – love the cause 
Chris Coneybeer 1/29/2010 $35.05 For a great cause. Go Josh! 
Donna Bank 1/29/2010 $25.00 This gives new meaning for “COLD CASH”  
Keith “The Monkey” Casey 1/29/2010 $39.95 I want to see this one on video 🙂 
The Coffee Mill Cafe 2/12/2010 $100.00  
The Tackets 2/12/2010 $25.00  
Anonymous 2/12/2010 $100.00  
Matching funds   Over $600  

PHP/Ruby on Azure World Tour

I’m thrilled and honored to be doing another speaking tour through Europe. I’m getting to visit a number of countries that I haven’t visited before and some old favorites. I’ll be speaking on PHP, Ruby and other non .NET technologies on Azure.

The talk that I’m going to be doing in most places is PHP/Ruby on Azure or Leveraging Azure with Non-Microsoft Languages:

Windows Azure is Microsoft’s Cloud Computing offering. It is more than a simple scalable hosting option as it is truly a platform as a service offering. This allows you to focus on your application rather than the configuring and managing your infrastructure whether you are writing C# or VB.NET or even languages such as PHP or Ruby which are first class citizens in Windows Azure. The Windows Azure Platform includes Windows Azure, which is the OS and hosting environment for web and background services, as well as non-relational storage, queues, and a blob storage for everything from videos to mountable virtual drives. Additionally, the Windows Azure Platform includes SQL Azure, a fully relational database as a service, and Windows Azure AppFabric for industry standards compliant identity management and a service bus for message passing.

But there remain the questions around why, when and how you should move to the cloud, especially if you are using PHP or Ruby. Should I put everything in Windows Azure? Do you have to convert everything you have to ASP.NET? Do you have to write code specifically for Windows Azure? What if my current applications depend on MySQL and/or memcached?

There’s a lot of good news here as it is relatively straight forward to get running in Windows Azure. Once your application is running, however, now you need to look at how to fully leverage the platform offerings architecting for the best usage of the different roles and the various aspects of the Windows Azure offerings such as the AppFabric and SQL Azure. This will help your application make the most efficient usage of CPU, bandwidth, storage and all of the things that cost in a cloud hosting scenario.

In this half day session, we will begin with the why of Windows Azure talking about when it makes sense to make a move and what the prudent migration paths are for your organization.  During this time we will tour the various aspects of Windows Azure. Then we’ll delve into the technical aspects of how to run your PHP/Ruby code on Windows Azure. Once we have that mastered, we will move onto leveraging the Windows Azure platform to its fullest.

The full schedule is as follows (and yes, this is a lot of countries in not very many days)

Feb. 21 – Dublin Ireland –

I love Ireland. I hope to someday live there. I spoke there about a year and a half ago on RIA and got to meet a few of the folk but mostly worked with Martha Rotter. I got to make a number of friends last time and I’m really looking forward to seeing them again.  

Feb 23 – Lisbon, Portugal – 

This is my first time to Portugal. I’m really looking forward to meeting the local DPE team (Luis Alves Martins and Sergio Martinho). I’m speaking at the university. it looks like a beautiful venue – I just wish that I had more time here to explore the local culture.

Feb 24 – Vienna, Austria – 

My brother has spent a lot of time in Austria but I’ve never been. I have met Mario Szpuszta back when he and I both spoke at JAOO in 2008 in Denmark. That was an awesome conference. I’ll also get to met Rolf Mistelbacher. Another thing I’m really excited about is that I’m going to spend enough time to actually see some of the city.

Feb 26 – London, UK – Keynoting PHPUK –

At PHP UK, I’m actually not talking about Azure. Rather I’m doing a keynote titled The Lost Art of Simplicity (Full slides on slideshare). This is actually the original reason that I’m coming to Europe in the first place. I’m honored to be asked to do the keynote and am beholden to Scott MacVicar for the invitation and to Johanna Cherry for making everything work smoothly.

March 2 – Stockholm, Sweden –

Check out this awesome venue – – it’s a 17th century building in downtown Stockholm. Really looking forward to hanging out in this space.

March 3 – Oslo, Norway – registration information coming soon

I’ve never been to Norway. I should have more information about this trip in the next day or so and I’ll update this post.


I’ve got all of the registration information for my Oslo stop.

Auditorium (ground floor)

Lysaker Torg 45

Lysaker Akershus 1366

Norge for all of the registration information.

Also, as a side note I’ve met a bunch of people from Norway while at the PHPUK conference and they’ve assured me that the polar plunge was decent training for my visit but I’d enjoy it regardless.

March 4 – Amsterdam, The Netherlands – PHP User Group

I haven’t actually met Bram Veenhof in person but  have been working with him over the past couple of years on a couple of things.I’ve been to Amsterdam several times but mostly just to the Airport and the Microsoft offices there, both of which are awesome. I’m thrilled this time to actually have a little time to explore the city.

March 5 – Brussels, Belgium –

I’ve been to Brussels once before and I’m really looking forward to going back. I’ve not get Katrien De Graeve and Rudy Van Hoe but are two of the other people that I’ve been working with closely over the past couple of years.

March 6,7 – Kilkenny, Ireland – hanging out and speaking at Wordcamp Ireland

Again, I love Ireland and hope to live there someday. I’ll be in Kilkenny at Wordcamp Ireland.

It’s going to be a lot of fun and I’m really hoping that there’s lots of good conversation. Please let me know via comments or via twitter if you’re able to make it to one of the sessions.

If you tweet about this – please use the hash tag #phpazuretour and #cityyourecomingto!

Hello World Azure in PHP

Building on the Windows Azure Command Line Tools blog post, I thought we could kick it up a notch and get PHP running in Azure leveraging the command line tools. The primary thing that we need to do is to copy the PHP bits up with the rest of your deployment and configure the FastCGI handler to know where the PHP interpreter can be found.

If you have PHP installed, locate your directory. Otherwise, download one of the versions from I haven’t personally tested it with every possibly distribution but it should work with all of them up there.

To get started, setup a simple folder structure as before but with the addition of a folder called PHP:


Now copy the contents of the PHP download or your PHP install to the php folder.

Now add a file called index.php to the WebRole directory:

<head><title>Hello World PHP</title></head>

echo 'Today is '. date('Y-m-d') ."\n";


The one other actual difference between the HTML version and the PHP version of this little hello world sample is that you need to add one more file to the WebRole directory called web.roleconfig.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
      <application fullPath="%RoleRoot%\approot\php\php-cgi.exe" />

On your own IIS server you would call this the web.config but in Azure, it’s called the web.roleconfig.

Now, just like in the other sample you need to set up your Config and Definition files.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ServiceDefinition name="Simple" xmlns="">
  <WebRole name="WebRole" enableNativeCodeExecution="true">
      <!-- Must use port 80 for http and port 443 for https when running in the cloud -->
      <InputEndpoint name="HttpIn" protocol="http" port="80" />


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ServiceConfiguration serviceName="Simple" xmlns="">
  <Role name="WebRole">
    <Instances count="1"/>

Package everything up with cspack.

c:\Project>cspack simple.csdef /copyonly
Windows(R) Azure(TM) Packaging Tool version
for Microsoft(R) .NET Framework 3.5
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

And run in the dev fabric with csrun.

c:\Project>csrun simple.csx simple.cscfg
Windows(R) Azure(TM) Desktop Execution Tool version
for Microsoft(R) .NET Framework 3.5
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Using session id 1
Created deployment(31)
Started deployment(31)
Deployment input endpoint HttpIn of role WebRole at

Now you are ready to run and test


And that’s all that there really is to getting PHP running in Azure. Soon I’ll blog about getting a full blown app running in Azure. Stay tuned.

Getting MySql Running on Azure

azure[1] There are a few applications that I’m playing with in Windows Azure that are reliant on MySql for various reason. For example, I’m working with a group that is doing Joomla development and it’s completely dependent on MySql. Mostly this is due to using MySql native drivers rather than using a database independent layer such as ADO.NET in .NET or PDO in PHP or leveraging database specific features that are only found in MySql. Regardless of the reason, for me to run these applications in Windows Azure, I have to get MySql running in Azure. I found that it wasn’t as hard as I initially thought it would be and it’s a technique that I can reuse for a lot of binary executables.

Thoughts and Recommendations

Before I go into the technical details of getting MySql working, I thought I should share what I think of running MySql in Windows Azure to save you the time of reading through all of this before I try to talk you out of it.

The reality is that even though you can run MySql in Windows Azure, it’s not overly practical to do so. My recommendation is to use this as a last resort or stopgap until Sql Server support for your application is ready to go. There are multiple reasons why this is my recommendation, some technical, some financial. None of them have to do with MySql itself but rather the process that you have to go through to run and manage it in Windows Azure.

First, let’s dig into the technical. The way that hosting MySql in Windows Azure working is that you create a worker role that will actually host the binary. You have to copy up the executable and then have just a little bit of Windows Azure specific code to actually execute the application and pipe requests to it. You can actually do that with just about any type of executable as long as it can be XCopy deployed and run headless. This could be especially good for things like doing distributed calculations.

With regards to mySql, however, one issue that I see with this is that you have to pay $0.12 an hour per web role that you have live which means that on average (at 0.12 * 24 * 30) you’re paying $86.40 a month for a single instance of MySql. That’s prior to having any type of failover or durability. SqlAzure is only $9.99 a month for a gig of storage.

If you want failover and durability, you need to run at least one extra instance of MySql in another worker role and configure them in a master/slave configuration. The reality is that you can get some fairly high durability with this configuration and it’s out of the box part of the Windows Azure MySQL PHP Solution Accelerator that we’re going to download in a moment.

Now, if you want to manage the MySql instances, you’ve got a couple of options. One of those is to run PHPMyAdmin which runs in a web role. Or you can connect to your MySql databases with a remote admin tool of some sort. Contrast that to being able to log into the Windows Azure admin page and administer your SQL Azure databases.

Getting MySql Running on Azure

Now that I’ve convinced you not to do this unless you absolutely have to, let’s dig into the technical steps of getting MySql running.

There’s a PDC talk that covers some of this material at Developing PHP and MySQL Applications with Windows Azure..

First, I wanted to get MySql running in Windows Azure.

  1. First, I downloaded the Windows Azure MySQL PHP Solution Accelerator. There’s a manual for that accelerator that lays out the rest of the requirements for getting MySql running in Windows Azure.
  2. The first requirement is MySql itself. I downloaded the XCopy deploy version of MySQL (
  3. Next, since we are going to use PHPMyAdmin to administer the MySql databases, I downloaded PHP –
  4. And then, obviously, PHPMyAdmin –

Now that I had the basic requirements down for MySql running in Azure, there are a couple of steps that I had to take.

First, I installed the Windows Azure MySQL PHP Solution Accelerator and extracted MySql, PHP and PHPMyAdmin.

Then I ran the “Buildme.cmd” script that comes with the accelerator. That checked to see if the MySQL binaries were in the right place. Since I hadn’t done anything other than download and unzip MySQL, the Buildme.cmd script fixed that for me and copied them to the right directory (.\MySql_WorkerRole\mysql). BTW, this could take a little while. Then it asked me for the

Next thing is to open up the .\, I renamed php.ini-recommended to be php.ini and did a few edits.

  1. Change the extension_dir to be as follow:
    • extension_dir = “./ext”
  2. Uncomment (remove the ; from in front of the following:
    • extension=php_mbstring.dll
    • extension=php_mcrypt.dll
    • extension=php_mysql.dll

Second, I extracted PHPMyAdmin to a holding directory and made a few edits to /libraries/config.default.php.

  1. Search for ‘auth_type’ and ensure that it’s as follow:
    • $cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘auth_type’] = ‘cookie’;
  2. Search for ‘AllowArbitraryServer’ and ensure that it’s as follows:
    • $cfg[‘AllowArbitraryServer’] = true;

Now that those edits are done we are almost ready to try running the MySql portion of this exercise in the DevFabric.  Last this is that I *highly* recommend changing the username/password from mysqluser/#ms123 to something else. Now we’re ready to test.

Before we do that, let’s take a quick peek at what the solution accelerator comes with.

First, there are 4 projects that are (or at least can be) deployed and a couple of helper folders.

  • MySql_WorkerRole – this is the primary application that we’re concerned about as it is the one that deploys MySql for us.
    • MySqlPHP – Windows Azure configuration bits for the projects
  • PHPMyAdminWebRole – this role packages up PHPMyAdmin and runs it in Azure.
  • InstanceManagerClient – this is an admin application that you can use to get command line access to the worker roles running MySql. This can be very useful for a lot of reasons. It connects to the InstanceManagerServer
    • InstanceManagerServer – this runs in each of the MySql_WorkerRole instances listening for connections from the InstanceManagerClient.
  • WorkerRole – Logging and maintenance worker role
  • Roles.Common – helper project
  • Test.Common – test project

Really, for this exercise we just care about the top three of those projects.

In the config project is the ServiceConfiguration.cscfg which has a worker role configured for MySql:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ServiceConfiguration . . .>
  <Role name="MySql_WorkerRole">
    <Instances count="3" />
      <!--<Setting name="DataConnectionString" value="UseDevelopmentStorage=true" />-->
      <Setting name="TableStorageEndpoint" value="" />
      <Setting name="BlobStorageEndpoint" value="" />
      <Setting name="DataConnectionString" value="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=azuresolaccstorage;AccountKey=yQai0qLjF7lUTPy3pcf+j2xyjAKQnf7nCv2IYMIPPBWsqkGiOZqD/KMb9aolc9/kh41pm6XB5Zt0boBje7MXlg==" />
      <Setting name="DiagnosticsConnectionString" value="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=azuresolaccstorage;AccountKey=yQai0qLjF7lUTPy3pcf+j2xyjAKQnf7nCv2IYMIPPBWsqkGiOZqD/KMb9aolc9/kh41pm6XB5Zt0boBje7MXlg==" />
      <Setting name="ContainerName" value="mysqlphp11" />
      <Setting name="FullBackupHour" value="06:00" />
      <Setting name="IncrementalBackupDuration" value="10" />
      <Setting name="RecycleThreadSleepTime" value="300" />
      <Setting name="EnableWindowsAzureDrive" value="False" />
      <Setting name="EnableBackup" value="True"/>
. . .

Here’s where you configure if you want to use more than one instance (for failover and the like) and whether or not you want to actually write out to blob storage and all.

The second thing is a MySql_WorkerRole project. This is a C# project that does a little bit of very important work for us. To sum up, it copies the MySql bits out to Windows Azure, starts the process running and then monitors the health of the MySql server.

All we have to do now is deploy. To do that, run the Runme.cmd. This will package things up, copy them out to the development fabric, starts the various roles and then launches the browser.

Side note on the development experience – I’ll also warn you now that playing with the firewall on your dev box is a little tricky because every time that you redeploy it creates a new package and copies the MySql executables to a new location. That means that you pretty much have to open a incoming port rather than just authorizing the program unless you want to reauthorize the with your firewall every time.


Although I recommend using MySql on Windows Azure for stopgap and last resort, the awesome news is that with the Windows Azure MySQL PHP Solution Accelerator it’s actually not that hard to setup and works pretty well.